Attending Childs Details
First Name *
Surname *
Age *
Date Of Birth *
Gender *Gender*MaleFemale
Home Telephone *
Mobile Number *
Email *
House No *
Home Address *
Area *
Post Code *
Fathers Name *
Mothers Name *
Emergency Contact Details
Contact No
Medical Details
Any Relevant Medical Conditions (e.g. Asthma, Allergies etc)?
Picture Consent
Occasionally, we will use photographs of members to highlight an individual or group’s achievements in the local press or in official Club Communications i.e. Club Website or Newsletter.
If you prefer your child NOT to be included please tick the box here
I have read, understood and agree to abide by the Summer Camp’s rules as stated, and accept that I may be suspended if I break the stated rules. By entering your name and date below acts as a digital signature.
We will only use your data to administer these documents and to contact you regarding your registration. We won’t use your details for any other purpose unless we obtain your express consent to do so or if we have another lawful basis for such processing. Further information on how we handle personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy.
Childs Name
Parent / Careers Name
1 + 3 = ?Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *