Summer Sikhi Camp 2024

We are pleased to be holding our Annual Summer Camp in association with Hayes Gurdwara (Golden Crescent). As usual we will be hosting an action packed week of fun activities and exciting events all centred on teaching the children about Sikhi and Seva.

This year’s Camp will be held from:

Monday 12th August
to Friday16th August 2024,
and will run daily from 8:30am to 4.00pm.

Welcome to
The Sikh Welfare Team

We are the Sikh Welfare Team, a London based registered charity since 2009. We aim to empower young people across the country by connecting them with their peers through the provision of support services.

We trace our humble origins to our first ever youth group in the Southall area of London, providing a safe environment for young people to meet new people and engage in fun activities and events.

Since 2009 we have branched out of London. We currently have youth groups for children aged 10- to 18-year-olds from across the United Kingdom. We are passionate about developing young people’s interpersonal skills, giving them the confidence to grow in life and embrace new challenges.

We do this by holding inspirational talks, workshops, and group discussions. We also have a 24-hour helpline called ‘’The Voice’’ to help support societal issues. These include but are not limited to online safety, mental health, bullying, and substance abuse.

Our aim is to help enhance the life of young people through the provision of recreational and leisure time activities. We offer a unique blend of planned activities and sports which give young people the opportunity to develop their personal and social skills and empower them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.

24 Hour Helpline

More than ever before young people are experiencing multiple challanges in life. If young people cannot access adequate support at an early stage these issues can escalate and have a greater impact on their lives as they get older. The Sikh Welfare Team offers a unique referral system in which we provide support and mentoring to young people facing.

Our service also offers a 24 Hour helpline where young people and concerned parents can speak to a support worker in complete confidence

24 Hour Helpline

More than ever before young people are experiencing multiple challanges in life. If young people cannot access adequate support at an early stage these issues can escalate and have a greater impact on their lives as they get older. The Sikh Welfare Team offers a unique referral system in which we provide support and mentoring to young people facing.

Our service also offers a 24 Hour helpline where young people and concerned parents can speak to a support worker in complete confidence


Providing Workshops and presentations at schools, colleges, events or Gurdwaras.


A platform for families who need support through a crisis, and educating them on preventative measures they can take.

Physical Activities

Encourage children to take part in physical activities We are proud to be an associate partner of Sporting Equals with whose help we can access services such as SERVES (the Tennis Foundation’s pioneering program driving social change through tennis).

Summer Camp

A week-long summer camp every summer break, which includes fun activities, motivational speakers, day trips, interactive workshops, and inspirational talks. Our camp has become a big event each year and we have between 250 and 300 children attend.


Directing the youth towards established Training/Apprenticeship programmes and educational opportunities.

Volunteer Scheme

A volunteer scheme enabling young people between 16 and 18 to give back to their community, help organize youth group events etc., this is great for their CV too.

Call 24/7 Voice Helpline